3.3.2016 - 24.4.2016


CLEMENS FÜRTLER: Bildmaschine 07

The Austrian artist Clemens Fürtler creates image generating, kinetic objects, built out of model railway and freeway parts, the so called Bildmaschinen. He examines the filigree architectural structures of his works with vehicles moving through the sculptures. The locomotives and cars are equipped with miniatures cameras and light, producing videos and projections on the walls. The shadow plays and films explore new ways of experiencing and extending the limited space.
12.11.2015 - 14.2.2016


JÁN MANČUŠKA: First Retrospective

Ján Mančuška (1972 – 2011) has never been considered a representative of the Slovak art scene, however, he always considered himself a Slovak artist living in Czechoslovakia and later in Czech Republic. The "First Retrospective" is the initial step to introduce his work to the domestic audience which has a unique opportunity to get familiar with his work, highly acknowledged internationally. The exhibition was curated by Vít Havránek and it was premiered in the Prague City Gallery.
18.12.2015 - 14.2.2016


PAVLA SCERANKOVÁ: Collision of Galaxies

The exhibition Collision of Galaxies examines the recent work of Pavla Sceranková (*1980). It presents two seemingly related works that reveal two prominent subject matters and currently the most significant themes of her solo artistic program, putting them into mutual context.
5.11.2015 - 6.12.2015


NIKA OBLAK & PRIMOŽ NOVAK: And now for something ...

Nika Oblak & Primož Novak are an art collective from Slovenia. Since the year 2003, their practice focuses on critical examination of contemporary media and capital driven society by dissecting its visual and linguistic structure. They do this using kinetic objects, video and photography. Infused with humor their pneumatic video installations form the exhibition And Now For Something Completely Different 5. They expose the daily routine, artificially produced consumerist needs and illustrate our existence as the monotony of operating machines.
18.9.2015 - 25.10.2015



Proceeding along various contemporary psychogeographic paths, the exhibition Psychogeographic Junction will open up new readings of Bratislava via the various routes and lenses through which the four participating artists (all based in Hamburg, Germany) will enter into a dialogue with the city and its inhabitants.
17.7.2015 - 6.9.2015



Feminism is still actual and sensitive topic in the field of contemporary art. Essential art works and questions of feminism will be presented in the form of a multi-generational selection of authors. The exhibition is part of the FestFEM festival.
29.5.2015 - 5.7.2015



Five international artists who live in Austria, France, Italy, and Slovakia, and who travel between these countries, have created works that focus on different sources of energy and its transitions.
27.2.2015 - 28.6.2015



The exhibition PROCEDURES FOR THE HEAD / Polish Art Today was prepared by the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw. The exhibition presents over 50 Polish contemporary artists of several generations and it is the first large international event of the Dom umenia/Kunsthalle Bratislava.
20.4.2015 - 17.5.2015


JEAUK KANG: Thinguniverse

The things drawn on the white wall exist as they are created. They have some relationships with others drawn up and down and aside. All things build relationships in the processes of being created, of coming across one another and of being used. The actual objets appearing in Thinguniverse, not chosen by the artist's idea, are drawn simply as much as they are scanned by the artist.
13.3.2015 - 16.4.2015



The exhibition project arises as a site-specific interactive installation for the Kunsthalle LAB. It is inspired by the original function of the space (art shop) as well as by the author's previous works, dealing with the topic of the Prototype. Shop-windows of the gallery, facing the street, are designed as a commercial space, inducing the impression of an opening of a new shop.
11.12.2014 - 26.2.2015


ERWIN WURM: Všetko je inak / Alles ist anders / Everything Is Different

Erwin Wurm is a world-known Austrian artist, who de-constructed sculpture so that he could redefine it as an area which may be related to everyday reality and everyday life of man. Under the curatorial concept of Juraj Čarný, the exhibition Všetko je inak / Alles ist anders / Everything Is Different introduces Wurm's work by the object titled Renault 25/1991 (2008) and video titled Tell (2007/2008).
19.9.2014 - 1.2.2015


PARADOX 90: Curatorial Concepts During Meciarism (1993 – 1998)

The first project of the newly established Bratislava Kunsthalle consists of eight equivalent parts, each of those being a fragment of one of the important exhibitions that were held during the period of 1990s.
