13.9.2017 - 26.11.2017


CARMELA GROSS: The Photographer

In a 1993 text that analyzes Carmella Gross’s work, one of Brazil's most exacting and most direct critics, Aracy Amaral, claims that “the artist stands behind their trajectory”. If this reasoning is generally valid for any artist, it is undoubtedly true for someone like Gross. This should be emphasized all the more today, almost twenty-five years after the emergence of everything (she produced, learned, and created during all those years) into the light of the world.
13.7.2017 - 29.10.2017



The exhibition is an overview of the work of Erik Šille (*1978, Rožňava), one of the leading representatives of the “boom” of Slovak painting after 2000. The distinctive style of the author draws on the animated world of comic characters, commercials, and everyday banality, which acquire an existential, apocalyptic expression in his paintings. The dialogue of art history with the world of pop culture creates new contemporary pseudo-myths and hybrid fairytales.
30.3.2017 - 29.10.2017


LIKE AT HOME: Model Situation of Slovak Sculpture in the 20th and 21st Century

An exhibition created as a “model situation” can be understood as one of the (relatively time-efficient) ways of fulfilling the institutional need to organize and exhibition or an exposition reflecting the crucial changes in the development of our sculpture in the 20th and 21st century, from traditional sculpture to contemporary forms, with the aim to educate the public and contribute to general recognition of sculpture.
22.6.2017 - 3.9.2017



The organization of the exhibition of Stano Filko (* 1937, Veľká Hradná – † 2015, Bratislava) was prompted the symbolic occasion of his 80th birthday.
30.3.2017 - 25.6.2017


APART: Possibility of Preserving

The "Possibility of Preserving" project is a creative work of the APART artistic group that brings together young visual artists Denis Kozerawski, Peter Sit, and Andrej Žabkay.
20.4.2017 - 11.6.2017


OTO HUDEC: Archipelago

The title of the exhibition Archipelago is a symbolic representation of a relationship between the inhabitants of the Cape Verde islands and immigrants of the Lisbon neighborhoods, or those living in France as well as other EU countries. Though geographically distanced, divided by the ocean or the Schengen borderline, both communities keep in continuous contact – cultural, economic as well as physical.
16.2.2017 - 9.4.2017



In fact, “mu”, the nonbeing, is a state between activity and inactivity. Yet, the “mu” doesn't have any correspondences in Western philosophy. The four international artists invited to join Into the MU, while dealing with different media and focus, accepted this invitation to explore the dimensions of this state from different angles.
3.11.2016 - 26.2.2017


LOOK WHAT IS BACK? The Slovak State in Contemporary Art

The exhibition project titled And is it here again? The Slovak state in the contemporary art, represents, in terms of production, a follow-up to the politically angled projects addressed by the KHB curators in the past; it concurrently constitutes an autonomous addition to the exhibition Dream x Reality shown at the Slovak National Gallery.
7.12.2016 - 29.1.2017


AGNÈS THURNAUER: Land and Language

The core of the presentation of Agnès Thurnauer, a French-Swiss author, is a series of oversized round objects / buttons, Portraits Grandeur Nature (2007 – 2009), which she also presented at Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris.
30.9.2016 - 20.11.2016


ESTHER STOCKER: From the Future

Esther Stocker focuses on spatial abstraction and architecture that pulls viewers into a different dimension. Black-and-white geometrical landscapes are created through multiplication of simple shapes and forms, horizontal as well as vertical lines. She creates rhythmical patterns that underline the unyielding character of her works. Repetition of basic elements, shifting of the horizon and playing with the perspective creates the depth as well as volume of the space.
17.3.2016 - 31.7.2016



The refugee crisis that we are facing today is the most serious since World War II. Millions of people are forced to flee their homes due to armed conflict or extreme poverty. This situation has brought to our society a lot of uncertainty and it raises many questions. The experience of contact with other cultures is new and unknown for the countries of Eastern Europe. It has not yet been enough time to get to know each other. We are only at the beginning of a mutual dialogue. The exhibition Fear Of The Unknown is trying to overcome the barrier of non-communication.
5.5.2016 - 26.6.2016


KRIŠTOF KINTERA: Natural Nervosity

Although Kintera's works might be entertaining at the first glance, they bear an eerie paraphrase, raising questions of borderline existential and ethical issues of global society that keeps devastating itself. The trembling of trees, animals, or land is an answer to the man-made nature as the culture of the society. The outcomes of this crisis give life to mechanical sculptures and objects as tragicomic products of the flawed man-made nature.
