Stories of the Inflamed Head

In her performance and video installation Stories of the Inflamed Head, Dorota Brázdovičová focused on the impact of information overload in post-digital society and its influence on psychic and physical health.

Photo: Imrich Weber

30.4. | 5.5. | 12.5. | 19.5
6:30 pm
​Kunsthalle LAB

In her performance and video installation Stories of the Inflamed Head, Dorota Brázdovičová focused on the impact of information overload in post-digital society and its influence on psychic and physical health. The phenomenon of the inflamed head indicates a condition of distracted thinking, inner fragmentation, incapacity to concentrate, moving jerkily from one activity to another. Procrastination, unceasing online activity, senseless mental work. She compares absorption by information content to being overstuffed with food. The digestive process here functions as an analogy to the digestion of information: essential in both cases is high-quality selection and the time required for processing.